Your membership buys you representation on building trade issues on the local, state and national levels and helps promote and protect the home building industry. You will receive a wide range of services and benefits from each.
Jackson County Builders Association (JCBA)
Home Builders Association of Georgia (HBAG)
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Staff members at each federation are here for members & are ready to assist you with a wide range of services at each. Including education classes, power advocacy, a voice that will lobby for you, many money saving programs/discounts, plus much more.
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) works with lawmakers, legislative and regulatory policies, to ensure they are fair to our industry and keeps members informed. NAHB leverages the power of more than 140,000 members to effectively lobby on our behalf on capitol hill.
The JCBA and HBAG work with local and state legislators and code officials to help provide updates, training and work to get fair changes that benefit our industry and our consumers. In addition, the HBAG works on your behalf promoting legislative and regulatory issues beneficial to building and remodeling at the capitol.
From educational seminars to targeted meetings & programs we are your complete education resource. We provide our members the chance to stay current on GA licensed builder CE requirements.
We offer our members CE classes at all of our general membership meetings. Attending those meetings will ensure you get your CE credits and stay ahead so that when license renewal time comes you'll be ready. Plus we will keep track of your CE credits for you, those taken at our meetings or elsewhere, so you know where you are and will know how much more you need to meet state license requirements.
Membership in the JCBA can pay for itself through our many member benefit and discount programs including, NAHB discount program with discounts from companies like, AT&T, Verizon, Jeep, Chevrolet, UPS, Plus many others. Plus NAHB gives you access to FREE advice from NAHB attorneys, financial experts, and economists.
Locally builders/remodelers can get rebates from the Member Rebate program, a FREE program, that has 50+ participating manufacturers that you use everyday. The average rebate per builder/remodeler company who participated in 2023 was $1586.75! 70% of participants received more than their annual dues to their association!
For more info go to
Networking happens on many levels. JCBA provides monthly opportunities for you to network with other industry professionals at our monthly membership meetings, various social events, lunch meetings with continuing education classes, annual golf tournament, clay shoots, bowling tournaments, etc.
Our philosophy is "Do Business with a Member" and we continually promote our members and doing business with them.
Our members love doing business with people they know so it's essential that you attend meetings and get to know everyone make those connections.
Increase your business’s visibility and credibility by sponsoring an association meeting or event. You’ll have a captive audience at your fingertips and a great chance to promote your latest idea or product. If you'd like to sponsor a meeting contact us.
The image you portray to the public can make or break your business. By joining JCBA you are showing that you care about and support your industry and membership can set you apart from others.
”Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve within his sphere.” -Theodore Roosevelt